Thursday 20 December 2012

Sun Solaris commands

Sun Solaris commands
alias …….. this allows the user view the current aliases
awk …….. this allows the user to search for a pattern within a file
bdiff ……… compares two large files
bfs ………. scans a large file
cal ……… shows a calendar
cat ……… concatenates and prints a file
cc ……… c compiler
cd …….. changes directories
chgrb ……… changes a file groups ownership
chmod ……. changes the permission on a file
chown ………. changes the individual ownership of a file
cmp ……… compairs two files
comm ………. compares two files so as to determine which lines are common to both
cp ………. copies file to another location
cu ……… calls another unix sysytem
date ………. returns the date and time
df ……… shows all mounted drives on your machine
diff ……… displays the diference between two files
du ……… shows the disk usage in blocks for a directory
echo …….. echoes the data to the screen or file
ed …….. text editor
env ……… lists the current environment variables
ex …….. another text editor
expr …….. evaluates a mathmatical formula
find …….. finds a file
f77 ………. fortran complier
format …….. initializes a floppy disk
grep ……… searches for a pattern within a file
help ……… gives help
kill …….. stops a running process
ln …….. creates a link between two files
lpr ……… copies the file to the line printer
ls ……… lists the files in a directory
mail …….. allows the user to send/receive mail
mkdir ………. makes directory
more ……… displays a data file to the screen
mv ……….. used to move or rename files
nohup …….. allows a command to continue running even when you log out
nroff ……… used to format text
passwd …….. changes your password
pkgadd ……… installs a new program onto your machine
ps ……….. Lists the current processes running
pwd …….. displays the name of the working directory
rm …….. removes files
rmdir …….. removes directories
set ……… lists all the variables in the current shell
setenv ……… sets the environment variables
sleep ……… causes a process to become inactive
source ……… allows the user to execute a file and update any changed values in that file
sort ………. sorts files
spell ……… checks for spelling errors in a file
split …….. divides a file
stty ……… sets the terminal options
tail ……… displays the end of a file
tar ……… copies all specified files into one
touch …….. creates an empty file or updates the time/date stamp on a file
troff ……… outputs formatted output
tset …….. sets the terminal type
umask ……… specify a new creation mask
uniq ……… compairs two files
uucp …….. unix to unix execute
vi …….. full screen editor
vipw ……… opens the vi editor as well as password file for editing
volcheck ……… checks to see if there is a floppy disk mounted to your machine
wc ……… displays detail in the full size
who …….. inf. on other people online
write ……… send a message to another user

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